Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Conceptual Plane!

The logic of communication is an identifiable comfortable association between sender and receiver. Communication in the graphics design world does not differ, it just utilizes more of the perceptive senses to create a more tangible, visual concept.
Successful web design and advertisement projects must adhere to this formula, it does not matter how you shake it up, "cream always rises to the top". When I collaborate with my clients concerning the development and structure of their projects I need to take them to the conceptual plane, via the experienced language of the layman.
Once we are on this plane the comfortable association of communication is intact, resulting in an ocean of ideology and conceptual thought pertinent to achieving the maximum conveyance for their specialized product and or services. Typography and logo design are more than an extension of personal interpretation/visualization of getting the message or ideas across to the masses. It is more intense because it is personal, and when personalities are involved it is always more complex.
You can not package and sell conceptual thinking, but you can develop it to a point of curiosity, and curiosity sells, while competent personnel and product is reflective to this process. For example a fictitious client would like a logo to represent his product we will say a homemade sauce. My first duty is research. Research market, competition, target, similar products, pricing and availability. Follow-up with this outline:
Sample the product.
Gather input from others sampling the product.
Make my assessment of the product.
While gathering perceptual input from sampling the product I derive to a point of conception. I internalize the color, taste, smell, sound, and texture for submission to my creative flow. I am now armed with a conversational knowledge of my clients product so we may move forward to the conceptual plane.
At this point all ideas are from the client it is my job to unite his ideas with my creative flow to obtain a unity of concept that will best serve its purpose to maximize the intended results. Once mutually agreed upon i move forward to the thumbnail phase. This phase is where it begins with sketches and roughs to pinpoint concepts into action.
There are no wrong concepts, that is an improbability! However there are variations, and that is where the rubber hits the road. Variations are like hidden, dimensional packages that are pulsating waiting to explode volcanic eruptions of expressive artwork, out of these packages the logo is bred.
Next: Application of logo to competition to visualize marketability...
So as to keep on an even playing field the personal, quality web and graphic design services provided through can offer topnotch graphic and web design projects at affordable pricing.
Being small in stature but enormous on talent is a solid factor that is hard to beat. When engulfed on the front line of the advertising battlefield where effectiveness is the mandatory weapon it is imperative to be well armed with thought out strategies and well honed skills pertinent to clients concepts and visions. Only the strong survive.
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